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cAcB cCcD cEcF cGcH cIcJ cKcL cMcN cOcP cQcR cScT cUcV cWcX cYcZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SATYAM communications 16
SPACENET communications 9
TATA communications 37, 38, 42
THE INFLUX communications 16
THEMELINE communications 16
UNISYS communications 38
VASAVI communications 9
VOGELBURDA communications 16
ad-BRIDGE communications 35
n NOVEX communications 35
MOLECULE communiccations 42
communitie 36
GRANDSTAND communities 19, 41
community QUEEN 43, 45
MIRCHANDANI community livin 16
HCL comnet 9
anmol como broking 36
comon DOZ 5
DC data comp 9
compact CROSSBAR 35, 37, 40, 42
compact PRO 21
CANDY compact 16
CATHY powder compact +flowe 3
FLUX compact fluorescent 11
GRIP power compact 3
SUMILOK compact elp +globe 4
TOVEL compact 16
TAMPAX compak 5
ABVR GROUP OF companies 36
ACE group of companies 36
ACME group of companies +go 19
FAKIH group of companies 5, 12
companies 42
J group of companies +squar 39
JADHAO group of companies 7
KK group of companies 37
MAVANI group of companies 37
MAXIM group of companies 31
MINAR group of companies 6
NKB shri group of companies 2
companies 31
SHAH group of companies 37
UNISHIP group of companies 35
VJS group of companies 11
KOUSHAL kitchen companion 7
THE CHARMS companion 9
cute child cute companion 28
the CHARMS companion +man 9
creature companions 16
company 79 32
86 K.I. bidi company +circl 34
AC the adaptation company 41
ACC asbestos cement company 17
ADICO clothing company 25
AFC AMAR fruit company 31
AGRAWAL ice-cream company 30
AIA the real life company 16, 35, 36
AN INM company +circle 16, 38
AN INM company +circle & ar 40
AN INM company +circle arcs 41
ANIL KAPOOR films company 41
ANU trading company 35
ASHA trading company +stars 34
B.K. shoe company 25
B2X customer care company 35, 37
BHARAJ trade mark company 42
BLUES clothing company 25
BOLLYWOOD clothing company 16
BS rain harvesting company 37
C2C company to consumer 12, 13, 16
CA the adaptation company 9
CC coil company +arrows 11
CHIRAG electric company 9, 11
CO the bowling company 28
CO. the bowling company 25
CONCEPT clothing company 25
CONNELL BROS company +globe 31
DCI company quality system 3
DRAPER the tool company 8
DRM transport company 39
ENDEAVOUR mobility company 42
GARDEN tea company 30
GIRISH tea company +plant 30
company 11
GOLAK AZAAD bidi company 35
GOLDPLUS music company 9, 35
GROSSO clothing company 25
GULABDAS & company 24
H.R. tobacco company 34
HIMALAYA pharmacy company 35
HMS GULAB thread company 23
company 16
INDO FUJI elevators company 37
INFINX tandon group company 42
IP INTERPLAST kids company 21
ITM-company 41
JAI MATA marble company 19
JITESH trading company 4
KADAIL finance company 36
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